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Green Planet Films is a non-profit distributor of Nature, Environment, and Human Ecology Films. Their mission is to advocate environmental education, with an emphasis on film, to an evolving global audience. They connect and engage viewers with filmmakers dedicated to documenting the precarious relationships between nature and humanity. Sample topics include deforestation,
water resources, ocean conservation,
sustainable fishing, renewable energies, climate change and other issues that affect humanity in the context of itself and nature.
Farming with Nature
"Farming with Nature" is the first video in a three-part documentary series on
Sepp Holzer. This documentary features Sepp's interactions with the animals on his farm, specifically the heritage pigs that thrive in even deep snow and help loosen the soil for him. It gives a glimpse into his polycultures/guilds, which he calls plant families, and the roles they play. You will also learn about the various
income streams that Sepp utilizes: selling his fruit
trees in the earth they grow in, saving and selling seeds, selling produce locally, renting out cabins, and hosting seminars.
You can find the complete set of of these documentaries HERE for $15:
You can also find Sepp's documentary "Permaculture Now! -
Desert or Paradise?"