Question Which part of our book would you like us to make a podcast about?

Options Apple Poll People's Choice
Current Votes Vote Current Votes Vote
The table of contents (more exciting than it sounds) 0 + 0 + -
Double the food with one tenth of the effort 10 + 3 + -
Winner Breaking the toxic water cycle with greywater recycling 11 + 2 + -
Wrestling with poop beasts and peeing in the garden 9 + 0 + -
The conventional lawn vs a mowable meadow 5 + 0 + -
More people living under one roof without stabbing each other 8 + 0 + -
REALLY reducing home energy usage 4 + 0 + -
Vegan vs omni vs junk food 1 + 1 + -
Apple Poll:You can vote with as many apples as you have.  You don't lose apples.
People's Choice:Everybody gets one vote!  People with PIE get an extra upvote and one downvote.

Last vote was cast on: Mar 29, 2019, 6:26:24 PM