Brenda Groth wrote:I have an old book I've had for ages called Back to Eden, just was rereading parts of it yesterday..wonder if they are they same background? (can't really see videos well on here )
Brenda, I get the impression that a number of people have trouble watching the video on line. Apparently need a fairly fast internet system. I'll share what I have gleaned.
Jethro Kloss is known for his herbal “Back to Eden” a “classic text first published in 1935 and a second edition in 1939. With more than 4 million copies sold, the book helped create the natural foods industry. It remains today one of the major texts on herbs, natural diet and lifestyle and holistic health.” The book became quite popular in the 1960’s and was one of the first herbals for many of that generation.
Beside his work in natural healing methods that included hydrotherapy, herbs, and a healthful vegetarian diet, Kloss and his family grew gardens and ran a market selling fruits and vegetables. He worked a lot with soy beans experimenting and developing products.
Back to Eden chapter II, “Soil,” what he calls “my back to the farm message”, he describes his method for improving the soil to “virgin conditions” using soybeans, green crops etc. . . . cow peas, buckwheat, rye and alfalfa. Starting on (pg. 30) can be read at this site. Jethro Kloss stated that his way of preparing the soil “holds the moisture and keeps the water from running off.”
The film “Back to Eden” has had over 3 million viewers in over 200 countries it is directed and co-produced by Sarah Zentz and Dana Richardson. The film producer is Michael Barrett. Paul Gautschi is the major contributor, his method is the main feature of the film.
“The film encourages the viewers to experience planting their own gardens. Furthermore, it challenges the viewer not to ‘lean on their own understanding,’ but instead to ask God questions and trust that God’s character will be revealed.”
“It became clear toward the beginning of the project that the involvement of demonstration gardens in different locations with varying soil conditions and climates was critical to validate Paul’s claim that ‘no matter where you are in the world, if you put a cover down, God will do the rest and you will be blessed,” Richardson said.
In the film, Gautschi said he believes that God didn’t put Adam and Eve in the garden just for their health’s sake, but rather to have a relationship with God. He has experienced that getting connected to the creation results in getting connected to the Creator.
The quickest and easiest way to start a “Back to Eden” garden is to apply at least three layers of damp newspaper over your garden plot to kill the weeds. Next, add three to four inches of wood chips, and lastly, add a light dusting of organic animal manure on top, as it would be beneficial for the garden.
“If you already have a garden or orchard established, just add a layer of wood chips on top of the existing soil in the fall; for a garden, add three to four inches, and for an orchard, add 12 to 16 inches,” Zentz said. “Do not till in the wood chips, just add them as a layer on top. With this method, you will not need to irrigate, fertilize, spray for weeds or pests, rotate crops or balance pH.”
“How to get BACK TO EDEN
The following steps are suggestions, not instructions, based on Paul Gautschi's experiences with creation and the Creator. We encourage people everywhere to spend time in the garden! Feel free to experiment, follow your intuition, learn from your mistakes, adapt to your local environment, and ultimately let God direct you on your journey back to Eden!”
"It's all about the covering." Spiritual and Physical
1. Get Connected
2. Get "The Covering"
3. Apply "The Covering"
4. Plant Seeds
5. Nourish Your New Growth
6. Water
7. Reap a Bountiful Harvest
8. Reapply "The Covering"
(see the “how” on this website.)
Paul Gautschi did an interview I think it was just this past Sunday with Donna Miller on Preparedness Radio Network. They covered some things that I don’t recall being on the film. I written a few of the highlights.
Gautschi has had his orchard for 32 years, and after major foundation (mulch) has been laid, he hasn’t for the past 11 years added anything to orchard.
When man was sent out of the garden (Eden), man began to till the soil and the cover of ground was removed by man, weeds began to show up. He compared weeds to the ground, as scabs to the skin, the soil then becomes vulnerable.
In the fall leaves fall for creating the food for the next year, this would be the time of year to add fertilize and mulch.
American agribusiness system is about greed, everything about God is free and sets free.
For liberty Christ came to set us free and everything about him is free and sets free.
I think Gautschi said that he plants nearly year around. The only time he waters is when he first plants and stops watering as soon as plants are up . No weeds germinate in the summer as not watering.
Brenda as I see it the common thread between the book, “Back to Eden” and the film “Back to Eden” for both Kloss and Gautschi is a belief and relationship with the Creator. This Creator planted a garden in Eden. Another thing that that they have in common is they grew up in families that raised most of their own food.