Paul Wheaton says "I just checked to see what that means. The name "carney" does not show up"
WHOA!!! I use another name....If you look it up, you'll find I HAVE NOT LIED!
I backed this project and the cards project..... Let me know when you find me! I can send receipts but hopefully that is unnecessary...
HOPEFULLY you'll find there are a lot more that have supported you who use different names
I AM very interested in what you do, and am trying to understand how all the different threads you operate in Permaculture come together...Saving a buck here, and going for bust elsewhere.....
Sorry if it sounds or was adversarial....My intention is not to start a war......
I will spend more time availing myself of all the growing info on all the threads which is more where I'm at...
I want to know it IS possible to do it without needing huge money infusions...... That one family CAN REALLY make this stuff work...That what works for you on 200 acres will workable on a couple of acres too...with just the family working together, and it not costing another $100,000 to make the land produce......
I see that the outcome is what we're supposed to follow, as Jay C White Cloud and Ci Verde pointed out.
I didn't realize you went into the red on your classes...
However, I do not see it as a "crime" if you did make money with classes....
I am wondering how much it really costs to make permaculture land produce abundantly It seems to be costing you masses...... and even with help you are in the red...Is there hope for peons??
I used this term "kindda like a pyramid scheme......." because it seemed like the people who come out genuinely help, and their "pay off" is to learn the stuff, and then go, try it out, and then teach others to come and learn from them....etc.....And that was becoming the "thing" rather than the permaculture itself.
"my accusor is left rather exposed and shamed. I would like to suggest that you find another way of learning. "
I do not see myself as "exposed" as such, but maybe rebuked if you go into red. I also want to thank you for the hours that I know you genuinely give.
I've rewritten this reply so many times I regret posting my original comment....Hope it makes sense to you, and I'm not just dueling. That is not what I intend.