Yes! We are now getting to some of the meaty topics:
Kim brought up a HUGE one: "Actual off grid homes (no grid tie) are not conventionally financeable" - it's worse than that, off-grid homes are actually discriminated against by appraisers, bankers and mortgage companies. If anyone has tried to refinance an off grid home be advised - it is a very good idea to have a spoof meter so the home looks like on grid with solar - your appraisal value will be much higher. This is one of the topics the association would try to tackle - if a home is off grid why can't it be worth the same as a comparabe grid home?
Ranson then added: " where I live, I'm required to have it installed and inspected by a certified electrician who has a certificate for off-grid style installations. If I don't, then my insurance won't be valid and I run the risk of not passing a building inspection." Actually, this applies to where everyone lives though you may not know it or may not want to comply. The reality is inspection is about keeping people safe, both the residents and the neighbors. It's not about unnecessary regulation. People die when fires happen.
Home Power is great but like all media companies are funded by those selling the products. So while they provide a great amount of useful information, you are regularly directed to the products that support the media flow.