Here's a quick update on the walipini! Things are growing well in there, and a bit differently than outside, but not bad different. Tomatoes are growing crazy tall compared to outside. Not leggy, but I've got one that is around 10 foot tall now and covered in tomatoes, whereas outside, the tray-mates of the ones inside are only 3 foot tall and many less tomatoes. Onions are a bit weak and only beginning to fill out, but I suspect that may have more to do with the length of the day than light. Peppers are doing awesome, and I think they will be one of my best products. I've got hot peppers coming off the habanero much quicker than I can pawn them off, so I'll likely be making hot sauce to sell so they dont go bad. Many, many, trinidad scorpions and carolina reapers growing and beginning to ripen on the 3 foot tall plants. Greens do well in there, as I have swiss chard and amish deer tongue growing. Herbs do well, as do sweet peppers. I have a lime and a lemon tree in there which have not produced yet - I do not know if it is the age of the tree or my natural fertilizers or what causing this. I've got strawberries in a gutter in there that did very well and are exploding in runners now.
My pest control seems to work very well. There is a great little ecosystem in there with the praying mantises that hatched out and grew to maturity ahead of the outside population. I put some little toads in there as well as some tadpoles in a 2 foot pond that are also thriving. No pests that are causing any damage that I can tell, but many pillbugs in there and now a few crickets. I've put many worms in the good soil in there, but they do not come up when I water - I dont know if they've vamoosed or they are just happy in the soil and I dont water enough to cause them to come up. The Nepenthes are doing well too. I've put a few ornamentals in, like orchids and a bromeliad. Also some sensitive plant seeds.
I've only been fertilizing with alpaca poop, bone meal, blood meal, and coffee grounds. Oh, and the comfrey cuttings that I took from the plants outside and shredded and put around the plants inside. I've used shredded leaves as mulch in the greenhouse and the little toads REALLY love them.
The hottest I've seen it in there is around 102, but normally it is around 95 during the summer days at around 8 foot up, and probably 85 at head level. I havent really checked at ground level, but I'm sure it is appropriate. I have 2 box fans moving air around in there for now with plans to put either one or two more in.
The material Solexx is holding up well and still looks brand new, but it does bulge and bow in the heat. Works just peachy, just dont go into it thinking it will be perfectly smooth and stay that way. When it was 20 here, it was smooth - at 90, not so much. My problem is I expected perfection, and when you do that you are bound to get disappointed with something. But overall, I am happy with it and would use it again.