I do like to plant seeds a few days before full moon. I noticed they come up a lot easier and en masse.
A fellow gardener once did a test and they do come up easier, but harvest wise there was no difference.
Try it in flats and see, easy enough to do.
I'm a seed saver, so mostly have abundant seed, but if you have to buy seed it seems to me to be of greater importance.
The ancestors not long ago where i live used to cut down trees at certain moons for wood to last much longer, my neighbor says they were super sure about it.
It was a question ten years ago when i came to this site and hoped for answers too, but it's still about the same, it's weird. Could be because there are so many variables, so much pressure and stresses on people, so many things to think about, in the past lives where harder, they had less, but also , less distraction, and were more traditional, but people had to be observers, the base of permaculture.