Hi John,
Good news - I ended up harvesting those cabbages and they did just fine after I let them thaw out in the fridge.
And thanks for the reminder ...I've been pre-occupied with work and it slipped my mind that I still needed to process them, LOL.
I took half of the cabbages (about 2 lbs) and made a batch of slaw using my favorite
Classic Coleslaw Recipe.
I forget exactly which variety I grew, but they should've been around a 65 day variety. However, these had been growing for nearly 90 days and I had mixed results. I think I'm largely to blame though, as I really didn't do much in the way of adding any compost or other amendments when planting, resulting in somewhat stunted growth. In comparison, the Spring planting yielded 4lb heads!
in any case, I'll chalk this up as a victory. It's my first successful Fall planting of cabbage and hope to do it again next year.