Cody Hahn

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since Dec 01, 2021
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Recent posts by Cody Hahn

I noticed this, Josh, and I noticed that one or more of Christopher Week's posts are now missing as well.

James Landreth wrote:Thank you! I'll check it out

James, did you make it out to any interesting projects in Morocco? Were you able to have a look-see at what is going on at "Oasis at the Edge of the Sahara", now also known as "Bani Hayoune Garden" (same owners/founders, Said and his partner, but different name due to slight change in scope of their work)? If so, I for one would be curious to hear your take on the work out there, and how it's going.

Take care.
1 month ago

Betty Garnett wrote:That happened to me last year. Look up drought info and having all boys.

Betty, this is interesting (if you are getting at what I think you are)............So, are you saying there is potentially some kind of link between drought conditions (the conditions themselves) and a greater probability of a buck goat being conceived? Huh.
1 month ago
Ted. I figured I'd give your thread a bump this time.

How in the world have things been going on the Nevada oasis you've been plugging away at? Are things still chugging along over there? Any new or interesting developments? Have you done much in the way of establishing trees there, or is that stage still to come at a later time?

Ted, that goat kid is too dang cute! I've been around Boer goat kids quite a bit some years back, and man, those little death-seeking springy-legs acrobats are just a hoot. Goodniss gray-shus.

Hope things have been going well enough down there outside of the Death Valley area. Now what a curious juxtaposition that ends up being-"Death Valley", and then this oasis nearly right next door you are working to restore and rejuvenate. Haha.
1 month ago

Steve Zoma wrote:It is what it is…What a stupid saying!!!

Hey now.............haha.

Inseparably wed to this statement is another one which walks hand-in-hand: "and it ain't what it ain't......."
1 month ago
I've actually been looking back through this book here and there on the weekends as I have time, and while I'm concurrently looking the Japanese side of timber framing. Still a very neat look through the window at this process, and I'm glad to have this resource. I really wish that the other publication that that organization has would also be available, but even though it's listed on their own website as a download, it never seems to download properly, even though "Hanok" will, and every single time. Who knows..........

Samantha Lewis wrote:I raise up the young males and harvest them when they are big enough.   I do not castrate them.

Samantha, what general ages and weight ranges do you tend to butcher out your male goats at? I myself don't really align with sexually altering animals in this manner either, but am curious to know what ages and weights you're butchering males at, because I've only butchered does so far, probably in the 130-140lb range (maybe 150lb, hard to remember). They were Boer does.

1 month ago

Jadene Mayla wrote:I've been here full time for three years now. I'm fully off grid. And doing it all alone.

Jadene, very good to hear that you have been able to plug away and that things have been chugging along fairly well. West Texas is a huge place. Whereabouts (I don't mean exactly, just in general) are you doing all this, and what are the topographical features particular to your piece of land? Is your piece of land fairly flat and open? Or some elevation change, washes, basins, etc? I'm guessing by the reference to consistent tourism that you are somewhere down near either the Big Bend national or state parks, because that is the west Texas I can think of (that I've been to) that would involve tourism, as vast other expanses of west Texas would have very little to none of that going on.

Jadene Maula wrote:The community is active if you can avoid the baddies here.

Out of curiosity, what is the nature of the "baddies" you mention in this area? Are we talking more subjective politics/inclinations? Or are you referring more to issues with drug and alcohol abuse, and/or a general lack of desire to self-engage in meaningful projects, endeavors, and the general betterment of the area in one way or another? I ask this because if we are talking somewhere down in Brewster or Presidio county, I have long looked at this area as a place to eventual acquire "the right" piece of land and slowly chip away (or rather lay up, haha) at building some manner of earthen house and a general "homestead" of some sort, whatever that ends up looking like, but haven't squeezed the trigger on anything yet, and am just waiting and looking and considering, wanting to make the best choice possible, especially trying to look as far down the road into the future as I can, to eventually consider the factors that would pertain to building and raising a family, etc. It's so very much to consider and make the wisest choice.
1 month ago
You what is really crazy is that this series is four volumes in, and not even out of the "c's" yet.................Haha. Wild.
1 month ago
Daniel, dude, I myself have also been keepin my eyeballs peeled for one or more volumes of this series for an affordable price, but thus far to no avail. THE best deal I've seen on any of these was the 2nd volume that popped up a while back on an online used bookstore-can't remember which one-and that was at $90...............I've never found a better price, haha.

Man though I would love to have all four of the volumes of this series dedicated to the wild plants of Texas. This is quite an interesting subject, and even more so because of the rate at which people are flooding into Texas from other areas, buying up real estate, and so much of our land being rapidly "developed" (if you want to call an ever-increasing expanse of concrete, "speculative" housing, and slews of carwashes "improvements", haha) because there is less and less time left to take notice of some of these plants.

Keep an eye out dude, and maybe one or both of us will eventually land good deals on these books. Shoot though, they are such a niche interest, and so low overall book count, that what ones are out there are mostly owned and kept by folks, because those folks wanted them specifically because of possessing an interest in this subject.
1 month ago