Or rather, my ex-lawn-to-be.
I just moved into a new house on 1/6 acre in the 'burbs of central New Jersey. It seems that the
yard hasn't been cared for in a very long time. I'm very much looking forward to spending the next several years turning the property into my own little lawn-free paradise.
My focus for the first two to three years will be on the swamp that constitutes the back yard. I'm definitely going to have some fun with that. My time, money, and effort is going into the back for now.
In the meantime, however, I can't completely ignore the front yard. I have no interest in re-establishing a nice even turf-grass lawn. What I do want is a low-maintenance low-effort green rectangle that won't offend the neighbors too much and doesn't make me feel depressed when I look at it.
Right now, it is a lumpy bumpy rocky mess covered with clumps of chives,
dandelions, some actual lawn grass, a little bit of clover, miscellaneous weeds and a few bare-ish patches. I mowed it for the first time a couple of days ago, and it looks better than it did, but it's still pretty bad. Luckily, I don't have an HOA to contend with, and so far it doesn't seem like the neighbors are fanatical about landscape perfection, so my options are pretty open.
So far my tentative plan includes:
- Overseeding with white clover to fill in some bare patches and help fix nitrogen into the soil. Hopefully the clover will start to overtake the grass, etc.
- Piling a load of
wood chips along the front and side borders in anticipation of eventually planting hedgerows.
- Giving the area an occasional dose of aerated
compost tea once I get going with that.
I could also just overseed it with grass seed. I do have a great
local store with a variety of grass seeds that are ideal for the local area.
Do any of you have any better cheap and easy suggestions for me?