Because of the quite intense handling of the perlite and clay riser tube ,i got it cracked and had to be replaced.
So i made 2 tubes from stainless steel sheet(316 ss) ,put inside the otther and ive filled the gap between the pipes with bits of Ytong brick ( autoclaved
Its just a temporary measure for me and the stainless steel sheet its just 0,3 mm .
Will it last?
Anybody that uses stainless steel in the riser ( on the interior,in direct contact with the flames)?
experience with 304 stainless steel its that it rusts slowly in the riser( becomes red color like its anodised then it rusts) but its resistant to keep the coals in the burn chamber where i have a thin 304 ss mesh screen as a separator between the burn chamber and the
ash collector.
That its just 0,5 mm thick 304 stainless steel.
For the new riser thogh,ive used 316 stainless steel wich is slightly more resistant ( 100 C more resistant)and wich also has Molybdenum in it ,compared to the 304.