Sometimes the answer is nothing
wayne fajkus wrote:I have harvested very little honey. Like maybe a pint total. Top bar hive. The small harvest leads to 2 questions.
1. Can a person conclude that store bought honey is primarily made from sugar water? I have fed mine very little, just in the beginning. It's been a year since i have fed them. My honey is darker than anything i have seen in stores which leads me to theorize about the sugar water.
2. What about combs that are not 100% honey? When i did my micro harvest i could not find a comb that was just honey. It had open cells that were a dark brown. I assume that larvae hatched out of them. Does this darken or add an off taste to the honey?
I am planning to add 1 hive per year til i can't. Lol. While i have 2 top bars i am thinking of going with the regular boxes for the next couple of years. If these questions are issues, would the other style hive resolve it?
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wayne fajkus wrote:I have harvested very little honey. Like maybe a pint total. Top bar hive. The small harvest leads to 2 questions.
1. Can a person conclude that store bought honey is primarily made from sugar water? I have fed mine very little, just in the beginning. It's been a year since i have fed them. My honey is darker than anything i have seen in stores which leads me to theorize about the sugar water.
2. What about combs that are not 100% honey? When i did my micro harvest i could not find a comb that was just honey. It had open cells that were a dark brown. I assume that larvae hatched out of them. Does this darken or add an off taste to the honey?
I am planning to add 1 hive per year til i can't. Lol. While i have 2 top bars i am thinking of going with the regular boxes for the next couple of years. If these questions are issues, would the other style hive resolve it?
wayne fajkus wrote:
1. Can a person conclude that store bought honey is primarily made from sugar water? I have fed mine very little, just in the beginning. It's been a year since i have fed them. My honey is darker than anything i have seen in stores which leads me to theorize about the sugar water.
2. What about combs that are not 100% honey? When i did my micro harvest i could not find a comb that was just honey. It had open cells that were a dark brown. I assume that larvae hatched out of them. Does this darken or add an off taste to the honey?
I am planning to add 1 hive per year til i can't. Lol. While i have 2 top bars i am thinking of going with the regular boxes for the next couple of years. If these questions are issues, would the other style hive resolve it?
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. (E.E.Hale)
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