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Jay Angler wrote:We drive a Pontiac Vibe, which is a clone of the Toyota Matrix. Ours is 18 years old (2003), has had few problems other than the regular rinse and repeat sort of stuff which we are very conscientious about (like oil filters etc).
We *love* it for the convenience:
- it will hold 10 bags of chicken feed with the back seats down to distribute the weight load
- the rear hatch lift-over height is essentially 0 which makes it easy on the back
- the front passenger seat also folds down so if you've got something long to go in it may take it so long as it's narrow
- we added a trailer hitch and it will pull our ~4ft X 8 ft trailer within reason
What we like less:
- I'm short, so the sight lines for backing up are lousy - that said, I've not considered them good since I had to retire my 1985 Toyota Tercel.
- our back hatch area did not have any carpeting which is great for sweeping it out, but not so good from the slipping perspective - we got some indoor/outdoor carpet that was rubber backed and cut it to size and it just sits there and can be easily pulled out for cleaning so in fact it's worked out perfectly fine, but we didn't get the cheapest available so at the time I was a bit aghast, but since it's lasted 18 years, I really can't complain.
FYI - ours is 5 speed manual - don't know if they're at all common. In fact, our truck is manual and hubby's friend suggested it was an anti-theft device.
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Some places need to be wild
Nicole Alderman wrote:We bought an '09 Honda Fit new, 11 years ago. It's still going strong. I love it. It navigates well in snow and ice (as long as the snow isn't deep), the seats fold down (this was really handy before we had kids, as we could fit random shelves and dressers found at yard sales in there). The hatch space is pretty reasonable, too. Now that we have kids, we can't fold down the seats nearly as easily--as we usually have kids there! But, it's roomy and holds the car seats well. There's good head space, too. My brother is 6'5", and he fits in our Honda Fit, as well has his Yaris. My parents have the Matrix, and it's done well by them, too. The Yaris is the smallest, then the Fit, then the Matrix. We bought all our cars around the same time, and they're all doing well.
We average 34-36 miles per gallon with an even mix of rural, city, and freeway driving. When doing long road tips without traffic, we can get about 42 miles per gallon.
I love our car!
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Weeds are just plants with enough surplus will to live to withstand normal levels of gardening!--Alexandra Petri
Standing on the shoulders of giants. Giants with dirt under their nails
Rob Kaiser wrote: I was initially disappointed when they gave us a Yaris, as I'm about 6'3" and 200lbs - but surprisingly, I fit comfortably inside that little car and enjoyed driving it.
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
The original Silicon Valley hillbilly.
Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently patient fool!
I hate people who use big words just to make themselves look perspicacious.
Pecan Media: food forestry and forest garden ebooks
Now available: The Native Persimmon (centennial edition)
It's never too late to start! I retired to homestead on the slopes of Mauna Loa, an active volcano. I relate snippets of my endeavor on my blog :
Growing on my small acre in SW USA; Fruit/Nut trees w/ annuals, Chickens, lamb, pigs; rabbits and in-laws onto property soon.
Long term goal - chairmaker, luthier, and stay-at-home farm dad. Check out my music!
Your friend isn't always right and your enemy isn't always wrong.
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