I would start off by saying that while it is good to gather information. Don't over complicate things, I have that problem at times and I have to take a step back. On a 1 acre lot, its so small that zones almost doesn't make sense. On 200 acres, then yes by all means have zones.
How much land are you working with?
If it was me I would start out with a vegetable and herb garden. With just 13inch of rain, it is going to need irrigation. I would also add a
chicken coop and bee hive.
The next step would be water/earthworks. You are probably going to have to get a well and irrigate your food forest.
Swales on contour will capture water during rain events giving it time to soak into your land vs just sheeting away.
You might even be able to capture and soak in water that is entering property from uphill.
I would cover the swales with woodchips, this will cut down on evaporation and help establish a home for good microbes.
Woodchip isn't the only type of
carbon you can add, so is cover crop/hay/bio-char/compost/etc
I would also add good microbes,
mushroom slury, compost tea, EM, etc.
You can probably see a trend here, the focus is on the soil and not the lustrous fruit and nut
trees. I recommend reading RedHawk soil series right here on permies.com
Once the soil is taken care of, I would overplant the food forest with 80% nitrogen-fixers, and then cull them as the food forest matures so that there is
enough space for the edible. I would still plan for at least 20% nitrogen fixers in the food forest at maturity. It would
be nice to plant the fruits and nut trees right below the swales. Don't be afraid to make compost tea and spray the leaves of the plants in your food forest, it works wonders.
Again I am not too sure, how much land you are working with. But lets assume it is
alot of land. I would make the garden section 1/2 acres, the animal section at 1/4 acres, and the food fores 1 to 2 acres. Next I would do silvo-pasture, with swales on contour. 20ft strips of trees with 90ft of pasture. these aren't hard numbers just rules of thumbs.
If you really wanted you could have a 1-4 acre to 1/2 acre fish
pond right next to the food forest, but with your low rainfall I am not too sure about recommending that. Along with the swales you can build detension ponds to help water soak in, and you want the swales to overflow into a spillway to the next set of swales below it.
If you dont plan on irrigating the land then I would use a silvo-pasture setup, that way the 90ft of 'pasture, can funnel its water to the 20ft of foodforest, Effectively tripling your effective rainfall, from 13inch to 39inch.