The picture of the plant is in the attachment. It has wide spreading palm-shape that kind of reminds me of wild geranium, but I'm not sure. The leaves are all attached in a central stem thats at ground height.
"All this worldly wisdom was once the unamiable heresy of some wise man." Henry David Thoreau
That's a Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum) which produces an edible, though rare, fruit. It is poisonous until completely ripe, you can look up old time jam recipes on the internet. I also love its exotic foliage.
"To oppose something is to maintain it" -- Ursula LeGuin
We cannot change the waves of expansion and contraction, as their scale is beyond human control, but we can learn to surf. Nicole Foss @ The Automatic Earth
Everyone is a villain in someone else's story. Especially this devious tiny ad:
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