Unlike my Blueberry bushes, my Raspberry and Blackberry bushes are spreading out more than up. Anything i need to do? or will they start growing up naturally?
blackberries don't grow up naturally, they sprawl and root wherever they touch the ground, if you want them to be neat and manageable you will need to tie them to supports. the type of raspberry I have grows up, but yours looks like it may be a sprawler like the blackberries.
tying them to a fence is pretty traditional for blackberries, you can get quite fancy with how you do it or you can just tie them back whenever they get out of hand.just remember with both raspberries and blackberries you want to cut down each cane after it has fruited.
Raspberries need moist soil to grow well. I mulch with compost and leaves to maintain the soil moisture level. Because of the recent dry summers here in the Netherlands, I use a drip irrigation hose under the mulch.
I keep everything well watered, and i mulch and i add nutrients. I thought the plants grew as bushes like blueberries. I forgot as a kid a neighbor that had them grow upwards. I just made a nice trellis for my grapes, it should work equally as well i think for berries. Thanks for the help!
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