Cargo bikes are cool
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection
John C Daley wrote:Here are some ideas;
Cargo bikes are cool
L. Johnson wrote:I need to figure out a better place to keep our bikes too, might get vertically creative though since I have limited square footage.
Maybe like an attachment to our outer wall.
Cargo bikes are cool
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
L. Johnson wrote:I need to figure out a better place to keep our bikes too, might get vertically creative though since I have limited square footage.
Maybe like an attachment to our outer wall.
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My projects on Skye: The tree field, Growing and landracing, perennial polycultures, "Don't dream it - be it! "
Cargo bikes are cool
And here I'll come along and rain on your parade and say: Practicality trumps creative, unless you're being creatively practical!Edward Norton wrote:
John C Daley wrote:Here are some ideas;
Cheers John, just the kind of inspiration I needed to get the creative juices flowing.
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Jay Angler wrote:And here I'll come along and rain on your parade and say: Practicality trumps creative, unless you're being creatively practical!
(yes, I recall that Edward has a "fleet" unless he sold some???)
Cargo bikes are cool
Thanks for your understanding! When we first moved to the current Island, the boys were 5 and 2 1/2. I had to take the little one with me to get the second to school and back and the first was give the choice to walk or learn to ride a two-wheeler, as it's a rural area with trails and hills. He didn't like walking a mile, so he learned to bike. The little one was in a bike trailer - the bike I had then wouldn't have worked well for a bike seat as it would have put the center of gravity too high. We had a covered area by the barn so at least I could park the bike and trailer under cover. The children's bikes had an area sheltered by a small deck. Eventually, I added some panels on the lower north side of it to help protect it in storms, and the entrance/exit is a head banger for me at 5'4". Even though the trip was only a mile, it was a difficult mile. Eventually, the Municipality upgraded the trail significantly, but by then the kids were both independent riders. Even later, they built bike paths on both sides of the road in front of the house. I would still not have wanted 5 year olds on it, but it was/is a great improvement in bike safety.Rain away! I can get very carried away in the planning and dreaming department. One of the reasons I post such obvious questions or plans is to get the reality feedback I need to keep things in check.
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I'd guess it's because bikes often come home wet, and often have parts that can rust - gappy walls would give air flow to dry the bikes while still keeping the worst of more rain out and keeping them more "out of sight" if one was in a high bike theft area (there's a shop in Vancouver who begged their customers not to park their bikes in front because so many were being stolen!)I don't know why many bike shed walls have gaps, but I see many built such a way.
Definitely something to research - there should be some local knowledge about building typhoon proof out buildings from Japanese farms. A fellow in Florida posted pictures showing how his entire chicken coop and attached run flipped over, tying its fencing into a crumpled mess when Hurricane Ian went through. (The chickens all lived and found temporary accommodation in another shed on the farm.)I'm a little worried about wind in a typhoon though.
I have a friend who used to hang his bikes. I can ask his opinion if you need it. I'm tempted to assume that it's OK when I see so many systems using a hanging system, but I'm sure some of the bike sites would have reliable info.I see a lot of hooks, but I wonder if there is some danger of the wheels coming untrue from hanging on a hook, or spokes getting damaged.
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Small-holding, coppice and grassland management on a 16-acre site.
Small-holding, coppice and grassland management on a 16-acre site.
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection
That's my roommate. He's kinda weird, but he always pays his half of the rent. And he gave me this tiny ad:
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies