Salt is vilified and blamed when the real culprit is the chemicals and preservatives (I know, same thing sometimes). Most of the "studies" that link a high-salt diet to health problem come right out and say the source of the salt is processed foods. Come on, "scientists"! There's a lot more going on in processed foods than just more salt than someone who listens to their doctor would eat! Like sugar, trans fats, preservatives, artificial flavors and colors, MSG, and often the by-products of cooking foods in hot oil that hasn't been changed often
enough. And often the ingredients are lowest quality for human consumption. You know it's "bought" science when they overlook so many obvious confounding factors and try to use that to justify their war on salt.
So who is behind the junk science that claims salt is bad? The ones making the processed food. Salt is their scapegoat. We need it for life so we'll keep eating it so as long as we believe the junk science we'll blame our salt addiction for our health problems like we used to blame our habit of eating fat. Maybe next they'll blame
water or oxygen??
I believe a lot of the heat deaths of elderly people on hot days are because they are on a low salt diet and they lose too many electrolytes from sweating in the heat. I looked up heat exhaustion once and it turns out it's the result of your salt getting too low. The cure: salt!
Salt was the original preservative and our ancestors who had access to it ate far more of it in the past than we do now, with none of the hypertension, etc. that it is blamed for. Check out the book "Salt" by Marc Kurlansky for more on that - very interesting read!
Modern salt contains flow agents, whiteners and such that make it bad for you but natural salt like Celtic Sea Salt or Redmond's Real Salt is pretty good for you, actually, and there is plenty of evidence that switching to it makes people's "salt" problems go away.
Marc Fett came up with a protocol to fight lyme disease using salt and vitamin C. It actually works and not only that but it has cleared up health problems in people who don't have lyme as well.