Me, I only have one ferment going, as I don't drink much of the finished product each day.
In my fridge, I always have 1 - 3 bottles of second ferment, to which fruit has been added and allowed to sit on the kitchen counter for a couple of days. If I don't drink this up very quickly, I don't want to bottle more. Thus, the original ferment sometimes gets too strong as it ages and I will pour some of it off and add new sweet tea for it to
feed on.
I'm not much for experimenting so the one ferment is all I have. However, that changed a few days ago. I do keep a spare culture and for the first time I peeled off a recent culture layer and put it in a bottle with mango flavored tea. I know that some people say never to do this as it will harm the culture and not give you the finished kombucha you are looking for. Others say they have been successful with using flavored teas in their starter. Since I have the spare I decided to try. This means I have my original, large batch of starter, my spare culture in a bit of tea in a smaller bottle, and, now, another small bottle with the experiment. At the moment there are no second ferments on my countertop. This could easily get out of hand. As I have a small kitchen, I really have no room for masses of kombucha containers.