I’ve been reading up on livestock breeds to add to our property soon. I have a lot of
experience with
milk goats, but I wanted to have a fiber animal as well. I really like the way Nigerian milk tastes, and I find them easy to work with. I had been thinking of trying out nigoras, but then I stumbled upon the Navajo angora breed. They are supposed to be good milkers as well as very parasite resistant. There is a breeder locally, but unfortunately, they do not milk them. It seems like none of the breeders milk them, despite the claim that they make good
dairy animals. Does anyone have experience with them? Is the milk rich and creamy? What is the yield like? Are the teats super tiny? I’m pretty picky about milk flavor (don’t get me started on alpine milk!). I would love to be able to help preserve such an endangered breed, but I also want something that fits my needs. Thanks.