now im not sure if i
should be here with this question or ponds etc.. please bear with me. i am in southeast michigan and i have a 3/4 acre urban lot in the shape of an upside down L. long side to the west short side to the east property runs north to south. neighbor to the west is about 2 feet higher so i collect all his run off which is great my soils are usually nice and wet all year. however due to run off and spring melt of the winter snows and excess rain in spring the short side or north east 1/4 acre floods including similar size in my neighbors
yard both to the north the north east and the west of my lot. once flooded it usually will sit for a month to two months long. i have been contemplating putting in a
pond in the area where it floods to hold the
My questions are:
1 is this a good idea lol?
2 if so where do i run the spillway the street is to the south of the lot and the flooding at the north.
3 isnt this going to flood even worse next year if i put a
pond in?
i basically am looking for a bit of advice on what some of you may do in this situation and even other ideas to manage the water other than a pond.