I've spent the last few years trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. Eventually I started leaning toward the self-sufficient lifestyle, but really had no clue about any of this. I just started reading about things that seemed like they applied to what I wanted to do, and learned what I could when I could. I focused heavily on learning about the outdoors, bushcraft, whatever you want to call, for a long time. I've really enjoyed what I've learned and that will continue to be one of my passions, but I decided to start trying to focus in on the life I hope to one day create. I had heard about
permaculture and knew that it was what I was looking for, so I finally decided to jump in and start learning this stuff. I watched most of Paul's videos on youtube and read some of his articles to try to get some sense of orientation, and that provided a decent base for terminology and very basic concepts. I'm sure I'll be rewatching a lot of those videos because I can tell that there is more to them than I got, I just don't know
enough right now to fully understand all of the great information he provides. Right now I am very far from being able to do very much hands on learning (I'm 18, in my final semester of high school, and leaving for college in a few months), but I hope to do a little
WWOOFing and whatever else I can find that is feasible for the short-term. I am sure I will be in a learning frenzy for a while, and I will probably have lots of questions, but I am looking forward to the future. Thanks for this great fourm.