Hi - I'm a new member in Longview, WA. I'm currently
gardening in a community garden -- this spring I'm mulching establishing new no-till beds with leaves (over
cardboard) and my paths with woodchips over cardboard, and will continue to maintain the two small framed beds that I put in last year in "Square Foot Garden" style. I will be planting cover crops in any bed that isn't plant in main crops. I'm digging out the largest
dandelions and thistles (and lots of little thsitle) and making them into a tea for the garden....I'm taking time to get as many of the little
nettles actually rooted up as I can, and I'm discovering that they are all coming up from buried horizontal roots...not sure if it is spreading from a nearby plant, or if the bits of
root were distibuted by the
tractor that tilled last spring.
Last year I found that the two small beds really did grow about as many salad veggies as my household could handle, and I grew potatoes, beans and a couple of big Hubbard squash as well. That all took up less than half my space.
I also grew a little barley. This year I'm going to devote the other half of the garden to trying several barley varieties from Kusa Seed Society, and will request a second plot when they are available in late April, because I also want to try some
perennial grains. If I can't get the second plot, I will just turn the existing one over to the perennial grains in the fall anyway, and try again for a second plot next year, or find a shared backyard to garden in.
Now that I have a year-round garden space, I can actually begin to think in terms of perennials and
permaculture. Until last year, all of the garden spaces were cleaned up every fall and tilled with a tractor in the spring. This is the first year that I am able to work on the garden earlier than May 1, and I'm working on an earlier start and planning to overwinter crops next fall.