I would like some feedback on an idea I'm playing around with (and I'm sure this isn't a new idea). On another
thread I was informed that
hugel beds are not good on contour since they then become a dam and can break down.
Here's my idea: Place the woody material partially below grade (let's say 1 foot) and partially above (maybe 2 or 3 feet). Put a
swale on the uphill side with a level sill which doesn't allow the
water to get above grade. I'm thinking since the water never gets above grade, then all of the loose
wood material below grade is supported by the solid ground on the lower side. The water will soak into the bed from the swale and saturate all of the woody material below grade and then wick up to the plants which are all planted above.
My main question is will this design support the water damming and not break down the woody material?
I've attached an image which hopefully helps understand what I'm trying to describe.
Your thoughts please.