To me,a truck isn't complete until you have a suitable trailer to tow.
I do quite a bit of tree work.The truck with the canopy is great for hauling tools heavy
firewood and garbage cans full of junk. It is not well-suited to hauling loose branches, since everything catches on the door opening. An open trailer is much more suitable for that.
The truck is set up with a Reese hitch and trailer brakes. Since I'm driving a six cylinder, I will be careful to not overstress things. I am happy to accelerate at a sensible pace and to drive a little slower when heavily laden.
I will sometimes leave my trailer at a customer's house for them to load up.
We seldom get rain in the summer. I'm hoping to find a trailer with a large surface area, so that it can become a giant dehydrator for the
coffee grounds that I haul to the farm regularly. Loads of branches also lose a lot of weight when sitting out in the sun and wind.