If I'm trying to manage my garden without outside inputs (with a minimum of them at least)- as a rule of thumb how much
compost would I require? How much
land to I need to put over the growing compostable crops rather than food-for-me crops?
I'm in a temperate climate in the UK, my 'garden' is an allotment plot of 50metres by 5metres. I don't own the plot (its rented) and it behind locked gates, its a few miles from where I live and I only have a bicycle! So... how to have
enough organic matter? I can't really haul stuff in, I can't get people to drop things off (and waste laws are pretty strict here), buying compost is really expensive. Roughly.. from your
experience (or reading, or even pulling numbers out of the air), how much of a plot
should be put the growing 'compost' to supply enough? Strategies to need 'less'? Best things to grow to compost?
('enough'- enough for what? Say enough for pretty intensive no dig
gardening? Any other qualified 'enough' is fine though. I'll be growing annual veg, and perennials such as berries and herbs)
I'm sure there was a book somewhere that had something along the lines of 'x% of your land should be put over to compostable/N-fixing crops'- but I forget the book.. or the numbers involved.