One of my stallions hanging out at home. Note trees used for shade, winter
shelter and utilized with hot wire to provide fencing and as new planted trees mature, these will be harvested out for
firewood Here he is in an adaptable carport/shelter, slide the 2 x 6's and open the gate and it is a carport/ storage. Fancy eh?
And here he is at work, his other job is he breeds full time through the year, he loves working two jobs !
Here on our farm
permaculture works in multitudes of ways, nut, fruit, willow for
medicinal browsing , trees planted for providing future pine nuts, trees like hawthorne for perimeter and animal habitat and medicinal uses. Garlic is planted under the rail fencelines . I have one fenceline on a bank planted with blueberry, hydrangea, lavender, honeyberry and rosemary. Horse Manure is spread straight from the wheelbarrow , everywhere except the garden beds where I used aged and composted horse manure and other plant and kitchen waste. I use swales to divert
water runoff as it is a very wet climate here 3/4 of the year but I am considering making catchment ponds and ditches to conserve more water into summer. We have a lot of varied fungi showing up I cannot identify and lots of visiting wildlife and those making our 4 acre farm part of their territory.