Hi Peter,
3 years ago I got some fresh spruce and oak logs and got plugs and drilled, pounded and waxed over. I saw the spores growing on the ends of the logs. Last year a few measly Reishi and . . . . nothing out of the other 4 logs. We had a wicked Winter two and three Winters ago and I had left them outside. I thought they'd survive. Is there still hope? What shall I do to save them?
Also, I was thinking about getting grain impregnated spores and wanted to take advantage of my towns offering of free
wood chips, boil 'em, mix it all up and lay down a bed and throw a tarp over it. The soil is hardpan clay and lots of oak and very shady in the summer. Wanted to improve the soil with my friends the mycelium and a blanket of fungi mixed wood chips. Since I have no control over the mix of wood chips, which species would do best under these conditions? Also, I am a bee keeper and I've seen my
bees go for fungus in other apiaries, but I'm not sure what it was they were going for. Which species of fungi would bee best for boosting the immunity and health of my
Thank you so much for joining us here and answering questions, and for all the good work you are doing with my friends the fungi.