We raise poultry on a small commercial scale, so we go through quite a bit of feed, but not
enough to buy in significant bulk. Typically I'll buy as much as I can fit in my pickup--twenty 50-lb. sacks--to spread out the cost of transportation over as many pounds as possible.
We store the bags in the 'feed room' of our barn, which I believe was once the
milk processing room before the coming of stricter sanitation laws. I set shipping
pallets atop
concrete blocks, which allows the cats access underneath the feed sacks to (theoretically, at least) keep the rodents under control.
Last year we toyed with mixing our own poultry ration, buying whole grains, mixing them together in a 30-gallon galvanized trash can (with lid--no rodents) and grinding as needed. With a mix containing corn, wheat, oats, field peas, sunflower seeds, and alfalfa, the trash can would hold right at 200 lbs. The exact amount will of
course vary based on feed components, whole versus ground, etc., but 200 lbs. is a good ballpark figure.
For the cows, we feed a mixture of alfalfa pellets, dried molasses, and whole oats while milking. I keep bags of these lined up in the barn's alleyway and just mix up a
bucket as needed.