So, I'm in the process of building a sun scoop in which I hope to grow some species that normally wouldn't do well this far north.
We are in northern California, in an area referred to as the 'banana belt', as people have successfully grown bananas with a bit of effort and creativity. That being said, this is still very much an experiment. Still, if
Sepp can grow citrus at 5k feet, why not give this a try...
I've managed to find guild/companion lists for just about everything I want to grow accept the avocado. Looking around
online, I was only able to find one site that listed any companions and then only one plant was listed: comfrey (is there a plant on this earth that doesn't benefit from comfrey? Lol!)
So, any ideas?
Almost forgot! We are in high acidity, clay soil, but for the sun scoop we'll be adding
compost and the yields from our highly productive horses.