We need healthy forests, not more trees per se. That will help with carbon sequestering, which is the 30,000 foot view and not the down on the forest floor view.
A case in point is the current situation in Maine where we lost our forest product industry. Maine has the most forest in the nation, and our growth is phenomenal. When we lost the ability to
sell our forest products, many of us...my farm included, cannot sit around idly and wait for the trees to grow that have no value. With the cost of property taxes rising every year, the
land must pay for itself. Because forests can no longer do that, I must convert it into something that does. As a farm, that naturally means clearing the forest and converting it to field.
I am not alone in this, in fact most of my neighbors are clearing land as well.
It is not that Maine does not have
enough wood, we just grow too much wood. We need a way to market it so we can manage it properly. Now many of the laws that are on the
books to ensure that happened, are null and void. The State is reeling, trying to recover, but the economics of land ownership are changing faster then they can manage it.