Alex Ojeda wrote:
Jay Hatfield wrote:Hey Alex, thanks for the tip on the jar lids. I had no idea that they contain BPA. I have looked at several of the reusable canning lids in the past. Just never tried any of them.
So, my recipe requires pounding it down and keeping it in the dark. I'll try what you do and see what happens. I've never done the leaf thing, but I've just heard someone say something about putting grape leaves in their pickles to keep them crisp. I'm interested in this concept. I have lots of grape leaves!
I have had great experiences with the tattler lids - follow the directions. I had a failure when the rubber ring lost its seat and folded under, leaving a gap.
How dark is dark? My pantry is a series of cupboards - no direct light, but light all the same.
What is "room temperature" before packing up for the fridge? Our inside the house temps match the evening cool and a bit less then the afternoon hot, so is that temp swing anything to worry about? I mean I have't got a climate controlled spot like a root cellar.
We live in Northern CA (gold country USDA zone 7) and have really warm weather when I start to get excess from the garden. That makes canning unappealing but the is what I have done in the past. This sounds like a much better idea. I did try a batch up sugar peas and they were just toooooooo salty!