Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Faith Smith

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since Dec 27, 2011
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Tim Eastham, I used cedar mulch to move fireants away from the house,where I gardened, & near the garage entrance. Then I marked the mound that isn't in my way with a metal yard art stake. So a handfull on top of the mound moves them, but doesn't kill them. Fai
12 years ago
Great podcast,thank-you, I also appreciate your censorship. I've always wondered how people learn if no one holds them accountable.
11-esque suggestion (only) more on your thoughts of disease/disability and permiculture. Great stuff =) Fai
for garlic; 3 cloves to 1/2 cup coarse salt-mince garlic into salt,spread flat(I use wax paper) in front of open window till dry, 2 days or less, put in jar.
13 years ago
PIE is always good =) Keep on keepin' on! Fai
Great! I figured they were handy =) Just to clarify; the rooster wasn't choking on the necklace, it was gradually blocking his oxygen uptake. His body was digesting the beads. A few were totally dissolved,then smaller,smaller-just too many to process. Knowledge that transfers. Often if you can support as the body corrects. Fai
13 years ago
My son had a pet rooster that inadvevtantly swallowed a necklace of pea sized beads. Fortunately I was in school for medical & asked my advisor what to do as the rooster was a bit cyanotic(faint blue tinge feet & beck) a bit of mineral oil & he passed & interestingly inceremently dissolving string of beads. So I think as long as the pieces are broke smaller than a pea, then mineral oil handy for blockage...
13 years ago
No cost you might want to look into, lots of youtube examples =) Fai
13 years ago
Florida is working on passing this right now. I hope you are right about getting around it. I guess it depends what sex one is on the mirror thing. I've already experinced losing my rights when a condom slipped off. I still am on the side of humanity, though am not naive enough to believe I have freedom. Fai
13 years ago
I agree we need Occupy & alternatives to the 1% slavery of everything for profit. OWS gets the message out about money running politics. Getting my own money behind what I believe in is my goal after visiting both OWS & DC. I'm in the planing stages now,hampered by the need for a sabbatical,after burnout, trying to make my gentle caring soul work around the profiteers. Many of their obstacles still bar my way; land found but how to get there from here. I have to pay mandatory profits along the way & need the protesters to help so I can poop in a bucket,harvest rainwater,build a safe,cheap home. Politics is much larger,more complicated then I can work. Together we can all be where we want to be with making slaves.
13 years ago
Do you think electric would stop alligator?
13 years ago