I have kept chickens for 6 years, have used DA right from the very beginning, liberally sprinkled all over the chicken house never had red mite problem, never had louse or mite problems and still have 2 of my original chooks 6 years on! Can't be that bad for them!Susan Monroe wrote:"store employee warned me against diatom. earth because I have chickens. He said that it cuts their gizzard."
Just when you think you've heard every stupid remark possible from store employees, someone always comes up with a new one.
If you are using food-grade DE (the only kind you should use), you can eat it yourself. You can feed it to your kids, dogs and livestock. It is as fine as flour.
There is NO WAY this stuff is going to damage a chicken's crop! My birds eat it whenever they happen to run across it, and they're six years old. If this stuff is injuring their crops, it sure does work slow!