Hello! I just joined up. I saw a video on a stove that burned wood at a small rate at a time. I live on the navajo nation and I am starting to grow my own veggies and chili's, like my grandfather did. I live up in the 6000 elavation. I am learning by trial and error. My grandfather grew corn, bean, squash and watermelon in his time but the weather has changed when I was a kid 11 or 12 the weather was warm now the summers up here a windy and cool. I am 42 now and I know there is a difference in the weather, strawberries don't survive unless in a greenhouse. I am not gonig to buy a one for $$$$. I am more of a graigslist type person who takes others peoples stuff and make it work for me. Until the world stops spinning or we destroy it first, I wish you all a good day and keep on keeping on.