Frank Thrall

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since Sep 28, 2012
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Recent posts by Frank Thrall

Jackrabbit farms is hosting Owen Hablutzel as he teaches about Keyline Design this summer in Chico, Ca. This is the second year we have had Owen in Northern California and we look forward to another successful workshop. This year we offering a sponsorship option that will allow a business/organization to be listed as a sponsor in the event brochure and reserve two seats. Individual pricing also available. For those who can't personally attend, individual seats or sponsorships can be purchased for CSU Chico students who have an interest in environmental science, ecology, or agriculture. Please visit our website at Keyline Design Workshop 2015.
9 years ago
Just downloaded the RMH Manual with no problems. Thanks.
Keyline® Practice: Soil Health and Drought-Resilience for 21st Century Farms and Landscapes, CSU Chico, October 3 – 5, 2014

Jackrabbit Farms and Sweet Grass Organics are proud to present Owen Hablutzel as he teaches about Keyline Design® as an approach to dealing with drought.

Join us for an important and informative three-day workshop focusing on the Keyline Design® process as a potential solution for dealing with drought. The workshop will include classroom as well as outdoor exercises and practicums—including a demonstration of the Yeomans’ Keyline sub-soiler.

Discover how Keyline Design® can help with the rapid creation of healthy and biologically-active topsoil

Improve the water-holding capacity of soil and improve drought resilience

Understand the wide variety of treatments possible using the Yeomans’ sub-soiling plow

Increase the yields and resilience of rangelands, pastures, and your whole operation

Plan for whole-landscape water harvesting for your property

Learn about Keyline treatments gaining cost sharing approval through the NRCS

The workshop is structured with two options:

• Option 1: October 3rd only, with a focus on an introduction to Keyline origins, the use of the Yeomans’ plow sub-soiling implement with Keyline Pattern Cultivation for a variety of treatments, such as drought- resilience, water-harvesting, and soil generation, and integrating NRCS-FOTG practices. ($175)

• Option 2: October 3 – 5. Includes learning the entire Keyline process and template for whole-farm planning; will integrate the Day One learning within a wider planning and management context that includes grazing, perennial polycultures and agroforestries, broad-acre landscape design, as well as learning low-cost GIS-mapping. Included will be a Yeomans’ plow field demonstration. ($450)

For more information see our website at Keyline Workshop
10 years ago
Congratulations on completing your kickstarter Paul. I look forward to the videos as much as I look forward to more ideas being brought out using this means. It is great that the community saw value in your vision and backed it. I hope this is just the beginning.
12 years ago