I feed it to my horses, dogs, cats and myself. I mix it in with the horses grain and add a small amount of water and stir up with a big spoon. For cats, I put it in the cat food can where I store it. Since there is so much oil/fat in the foods it just sticks and does not appear to cause any dust. I had a filly that was coughing and since on DE she does not cough anymore. When you give it to your animals it is expelled through their feces and kills any flies/maggots, etc. reducing the fly population. You can mix it up in a pump or back sprayer and put it everywhere. Sprinkle on your garden and slugs, etc. will be gone. Just do not spray on your plants as will kill bees and ladybugs, etc. It will not hurt earthworms unless you till it into your soil so do not recommend that. Before I move going to spray it around all my baseboards and use in the barn liberally. Love the stuff.