So, I planted a forest garden. When I got my plants I was rushed. . . or possibly just excited to get them in the ground. I neglected sheet mulching. I thought "hey, 6 inches of wood mulch, that will probably smother the weeds." Well, I was wrong. Now I got a lot of perennial grasses, bermuda, etc. I am trying to be optimistic and thinking that once the trees get up and established it will shade out some of it, and that in nature, there isn't a squirrel out there somewhere laying down cardboard.
My question: is this necessarily a problem? Really, all I have established right now are some "bigger" plants like trees, some bushes, and other thick, woody-stemmed things. I could bite the bullet and go sheet mulch around everything and do the whole garden, then bring in more wood chips and sort of push a reset button on the whole thing. Or I could just sheet mulch around the existing plants and around any new plants I put out in the fall and spring. Then the "weeds" would just be mainly walking paths and empty spaces.
I would love any advice on this. I know now and ounce of prevention would have solved the 10 pounds of cure I may be facing. Thoughts?