Stef Herron

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since Jan 17, 2014
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Recent posts by Stef Herron

Awesome advice with the rocks. Thanks! There are patio stones in front of where I will plant these to help with a thermal mass as well. Can't wait for spring!
11 years ago
Thanks John. I am looking at these 2 varieties and

We live right in the city in Richmond Hill so have a very small space to work with. In fact, I'm only buying one of each plant as that is the limit of space that I have for them to grow. Our soil is typical crappy subdivision soil and is almost clay like. I'll be heavily mulching the area. Any other ideas as to how to prep the soil before planting? I should be taking delivery of these this spring (late April)...unless our plans go astray, in which case they'll be coming in the fall.

Cheers and thanks again!
11 years ago
Thanks everyone! I think I've chosen the variety we'd like, and I'll go with a sack for the first few winters!
11 years ago
Thanks! I'll do that.
11 years ago
Hello there! My hubby and I are about to dive in and start gardening in with permaculture principles. We're in design/selection mode right now and would very much like to include a grape vine or two in an area of our yard that would work. I've sourced cold hardy organically grown vines from a nursery north of Montreal, however I would like to ask if anyone has experience with growing grapes in this climate.

The nursery suggests that after pruning in the fall, you bend over the main stalk and lay it flat on the groun. I imagine this is to allow the inevitable snow dump over winter to insulate the plant, but is there an alternative to this? Where we thought this plant would work is along our walkway from front to backyard and if we bend it over we'd be stepping all over it all winter taking out the garbage! Would wrapping it in burlap or other protection throughout the winter work just as well?

Thank you in advance everyone!

11 years ago