Maddie Pulver

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since Mar 27, 2014
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Recent posts by Maddie Pulver

ok so I have a small min-pin mix and all of a sudden he is shivering, constantly licking his lips, wont go outside and go potty, wont eat, and acts like he is afraid of something but there is nothing around to hurt him. he is fine under a blanket but he doesn't look very comfortable when he moves/walks and will only fallow me, yesterday we had to "put down my rat" (we just shot the poor thing to put her out of her misery), could her death and absence be affecting like him like if a human mourning (I was crying a lot). this all started today.
10 years ago

Jessica Padgham wrote:Wyandotte and Orpington both have a white version. The difference would be in the comb, single vs rose. I think I see a single comb in your picture but I'm not sure.

they do have sing comb
10 years ago
they're not silkies to me they look like Rhode island white
10 years ago
ok so I have 2 chickens that are pure white and are REALLY fluffy, they do not have featherd feet but they have small crowns (probably just the hen factor) they are soft and are farily big for their age (11 months ( not laying yet) and bigger then the rest of my hens (i have a buckeye, silverlace, Light brahama, Red star's, and i THINK brown leg horns.) )
10 years ago
well the people who own the dog were talked to and I haven't seen the dog since then, but if I do see it again i will certainly make sure it remembers not to come back.
10 years ago
ok so my neighbor's dog is small but today I caught it in my other neighbors yard with two dead chickens, I left for a little and came back and one was gone, but one was still laying there on her back but when it started raining it jumped up and limped off to her coop, so I ask, can a chicken play dead, and what should I do about the dog? I fear my chickens are next.
10 years ago
I have a little buckeye hen and it seems that she may be trying to go broody. she does not attack me or growl she just fluffs up her feathers when i get near her no matter where she is. she is the only chicken that lives in that cage but we have 3 roosters right next to her. could this be part off the problem? Yesterday i found her fluffed up on her nesting "box" (we use a bucket for her) after i had colected the egg she had just she trying to be broody or does she not like me anymore?
10 years ago
if i were you i would try to keep the chickens away from that small area where the wood was but you should be able to let them free range in that area.
10 years ago
actualy i think she might be a Buckeye hen she looks exactly like that thank you.
10 years ago
do you use any chemicals on your plants? if you do it could be poisoning the worms that are in that dirt which could be poisoning your chickens.
10 years ago