Laura Stevens

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since Dec 16, 2015
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I have a beautiful pure bred Tamworth gilt.  I just want her to be a mother and I'm not interested in breeding her.  I would but I wouldn't be able to eat her babies either. Ugh!
Last fall we butchered her brother and sister. I had 2 different buyers for her, they wanted to buy half each. Then they backed out on butchering day. They still wanted her but not right then. Long story short they decided they didn't want her. I took care of her all winter and now she is like a pet.

She's a great big girl, but I think she's lonely for other pigs.

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7 years ago
Thanks William
I will look into that breed

Well Sunday's event sure wasn't for the faint of heart. I handled it well. I stayed inside until it was butchering time.
 I heard they didn't feel a thing and Both had clean shots. The last pig seems lonely though

It started at 9 am and didn't finish until after 10 pm. I helped with the packing, and IF I ever do this again I will send it to a professional butcher.  I have a freezer full of roast, chops, ribs etc. and a refrigerator full of pork belly, hams, sausage making scraps, and skin.
All in all I got the life experience I was hoping for

8 years ago
Sunday is the big day!
 I'm excited and sad at the same time. It's funny how many people laughed when I told them my plan to raise pigs. I was told they would stink, be dangerous, escape, etc. None of those things came true.
They never even tried to escape, they don't stink, they are super friendly, Their size make them dangerous, not their demeanor.

We sold the extra pig for $2.00 a pound live weight. She's 250lbs, according to the string measuring.  That covers the cost of a new upright freezer. I can't believe our old freezer just died last week. UGH! well better it did when it did, and not after we filled it with pork.

I was hoping to recoup some of my up front costs but it is what it is.

It's funny how my Hubby, who wanted nothing to do with the pigs, has turned Sunday's event into a guy BBQ. He changed the plans of not being here, to a man party. lol
Aside from his coworker who is doing the deed, another of his coworkers, and the coworkers wives are coming. Not to mention neighbors.  One of the people coming is originally from the Philippines, and claims they know how to use every last bit of the pig. Another is originally from Italy, and says the organs are better than the meat.  I'm SO very happy that nothing is going to waste.    I will of course be hiding under my bed. lol

I've already decided to do this again next year. Why not? everything is already set up and paid for. I will be getting a cheaper breed though, and make better use of my gardens for free feed.  My daughter, the one that called me nuts, is interested in going in on  a pig with her friends when I do it again.  She is also purchasing $50.00 worth of pork this time.

Just more nervous rambling,
8 years ago
It's been a while since posting and the pigs are getting pretty big. Not quite 200lbs yet.
I've been feeding them fermented pig food from a milling company. It's 16% protein.  I add a couple apples in each batch
I make. they love it.
   I think I'm over feeding them. My Husband says that's how they gain weight. I'm feeding about 10 gallons of "slop" a day.  5 in the morning 5 at night. Plus treats of acorns, black walnuts and a bit of kitchen scraps and raw eggs from the chickens every once in a while.

 They never seem hungry between meals and just sleep most of day. Is that normal? They used to run around and play before I upped their rations from 5 gallons a day to 10 gallons.
Now they mosey around doing very little rooting. Lazy things. lol

How many acorns, apples and walnuts should I be giving them to flavor the pork? This year has not been a good year for acorns or hickory nuts around here. Lots and Lots of walnuts though.  I'm hoping it's like just a few a  day should help with the flavoring. Like you don't need the whole bottle of hot sauce to flavor the meal, right? Well I'm hoping lol.

 Also good news I found a butcher to do the deed. He is a friend of my Husbands and though he has never done a pig before, he has done 100's of deer. He has all the equipment and will package meat in a "seal a meal" type vacuum sealer. in exchange for the smallest pig. Which is not small at all. He has been studying the internet and reading a  butchering book.  I will not be home and neither will my Husband. We're not totally attached to the pigs, but we do care them.  I know I'm giving them a good life and they will only have one bad day, but I don't want to be here.
 thanks for letting me ramble,

8 years ago
Thanks! I just entered
8 years ago
the prices for pigs is much lower here

It's a life experience that I'm really after.
I'd love to make some money, but it's like a wild crazy hobby that you get to eat in the end and enjoy with family.

On a side story... I got 12 chicks at TSC I want to do the feed the eggs to the pigs thing. Turns out I got 10 roosters for the freezer
so I got 6 more chicks from a sweet teenage boy going into the chicken selling business. I love when teenagers show enthusiasm for being a business owner.
Well his prices were high but I figure he needs my money more than a chain store. 3 of these pricey chicks combs are looking pretty rosy.
So I'm hoping third times the charm. I just received 16 "female" chicks from cackle hatchery.

So far so good on the predators. (knock on wood) I heard somewhere on the youtube, that hawks are afraid of pool noodles. I think they are. We set up our trampoline and it has the safety cage that looks like pool noodles with mesh. Maybe it looks like a gigantic claw from the sky. lol But for whatever the real reason is, we haven't had any attacks yet.
I've been locking them up every night a dusk.
Our adult children think were going through midlife crises or that we've gone crazy, I tell them we're not crazy we're homesteaders. Besides the grand kids and the kids I babysit love it.

8 years ago
$500-$600 dollars ? CHA- Ching!!!
lol I don't think they are that much around here. Maybe if they had special papers.

What does YMMV mean? why envy? just a guess.

My pigs don't have a special treat yet. But I've come up with a plan should they ever escape. Every time I feed them I ring a cow bell. So now every time I ring the bell they come running

So I put honey in the spray bottle I had chicken broth in and sprayed the grass... My piggies are eating grass now!!!
It took a few tries and attracted honey bees, but it worked. Chicken flavored honey grass. I told my husband about it and how I am the smartest man alive "billy Madison quote" He said he saw them eating grass the other day. Well maybe it was the grass I sprayed and maybe it wasn't lol In my head, I'm a genius
The important thing is they eat grass. So I'm very happy
8 years ago
Nope , not gonna happen ! Lol
I already have 2 people who want to buy a pig
I'm not sure what to charge
8 years ago
it's been a little over a month now, and the piglets have moved to the pasture.
it's a bit sad walking past their training pen every morning/ They grow up so fast (sigh)
They love their new home but like to sleep under brush instead of the beautiful pig palace we built. Oh well lol
They respect the electric fence and now the FOXES do too.
One got zapped a few nights ago and let off that blood curdling scream for about half and hour. serves them right I say!

Now that I have them in the pasture... How do I get them to eat grass? I was feeding them hand picked weeds and grasses every day all day in their pen, but now that they are on a whole lot of it they don't eat it. They are working very hard tilling up the place but i never see them grazing. Today I put chicken broth in a spray bottle and sprayed a few areas, they went crazy over the smell and sniffed where I sprayed but didn't eat it I'm thinking of maybe honey? can piglets eat honey? I don't have molasses.

Also. confession time... I spoiled them by cooking their food. I make a pot of hog pellets, cooked cracked corn, oatmeal, eggs and whatever else we have outdated in the house. and I put in a few pan dripping from what ever meat I cook too. Except pork! They've doubled in size since we got them. So they're eating good. I also put a splash of apple cider vinegar in the pot too.
I started feeding them 2 hours later than they are used too, but they cry for food when they see me! such sad little piggies.

I'm so glad I purchased tamworths. I know come market weight they will be ugly and scary looking, but right now they are so cute and friendly.
8 years ago
I got piggies!!!
My husband actually likes them 😃! He said he wanted nothing to do with them, but he talks about them more than I do🐖🐖🐖
We purchase 2 girls and 1 cut boar piglets
8 years ago