Howdy Perm-fam! I'm helping friend and author, Kiko Denzer plan some amazing classes this upcoming June in the Pacific Northwest - both Corvallis and Portland!
Dates are: June 2nd and 3rd for Portland and Corvallis June 9th and 16th!
Kiko will be providing hands-on opportunities to learn the art of hand carving a spoon from a branch. Spoons are a doorway into traditional, sculptural wood-craft, from toys to bowls to chairs to houses. In this class, our only tools are a saw, hatchet, and two knives (you’ll need to bring one of them—all other tools will be provided). Material is local green wood, typically a branch of alder. We’ll also cover the properties of various woods, effective grips and tool techniques, 3-D design, tool sharpening and maintenance, Oil & other finishes. Small class, individual instruction.
Participants may register for both days to develop technique and skill. Questions? Feel free to comment this thread! I'm so excited!
Instructor bio:
"I have been a teaching artist for about 20 years; spoon carving since about 2010; I also turn bowls on a footpowered lathe. I started carving stone at ten, and went to Italy at 17 to carve marble. Bill Coperthwaite put a crooked knife in my hand during a 2007 yurt-building workshop. Few folks need a marble statue, but everyone needs a beautiful wooden spoon! I also publish at"