S Thornton

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since Aug 30, 2018
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Left Coast of Canada
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Recent posts by S Thornton

Rather than a measuring cup, I use a thermal mug for the initial extraction... coffee stays hotter while it's steeping! Then pour through a fine mesh filter basket (MSR, bought for camping aeons ago) into my coffee mug. Upthread, someone suggested just using the filter in the coffee mug (like a tea-infusion basket) and strangely, I get a better flavour with the extra step. https://www.msrgear.com/ca/cookware/camp-kitchen-and-utensils/mugmate-coffeetea-filter/321003.html
2 years ago
From teaching at the yarn store, it seems that people are most attracted to project-based classes. Some people will take them just to learn the skills and make a different project... but many people don't have the imagination to do that at the start.

3 years ago
I love rhubarb - and I hope my large plants in my main garden have survived my tenants while they have rented my property! I'm looking forward to a huge harvest next spring, once I'm back there.
I freeze a lot for later use.
I make rhubarb/apple pies, rhubarb crumble & crisp. Cook rhubarb sauce to have over yogurt and granola, over Dutch Baby pancakes... I've made juice using a steamer, rhubarb chutney.
I think your pizza idea is fine - it's a great savory sauce. I've had it with meats before... would probably be a lovely counterpart to duck.
Looking forward to other posts to gather more ideas!
3 years ago
We use eggshells in the garden all the time -
quick rinse and leave to dry on the dish drainer, then crunch into an old tin to store up until the tin is full. I crunch by hand and sprinkle on the garden... I like to think it helps deter slugs (but I don't think it does)... I do know it looks like confetti for a week or two and then the shells just seem to disappear!
My husband whizzes to a powder in an old coffee grinder and spreads on the lawn (yes... sigh... I'll get rid of the lawn someday...)
4 years ago
So many good suggestions here!
I like chutney.
We also just simply stew it with a tiny bit of sugar and use with breakfast granola and yoghurt. So not really dessert - it's not really sweet - but as a breakfast fruit. I just slice, cook for a few minutes, then use or freeze for winter.
4 years ago
Welcome! Perennials just make so much sense... provided they are planted in an appropriate spot! I will be moving onto my own plot of land next summer and I'm excited to start shaping my food production.
4 years ago
The book is beautiful. Thank you, Raven and Tracy! Well done!
5 years ago
So what's the next stretch goal? We still have two days!
6 years ago
You did it! Stretch goal achieved! Congratulations. I'm really looking forward to this book... and it looks like a lot of other people are too.
6 years ago