I am disabled also, have good and bad days. Only do the essential chores on bad days, saving the other chores for good days.
Have had to scale back over the last couple of years, but i still keep a few goats and chickens.
They help me and my land stay healthier.
They force me not to give in to my conditions, i fight the most painful and zero energy days enough to keep their basic needs well met.
They provide me with milk, eggs and even meat at times.
Contary to the experience of many, Milking a couple of goats "slowly" through the pain, has actually helped the severe arthritis i have in my hands. The warmth of their udders and the gentle exercise of my stiff painful hands helps stop them seizing up.
I leave their babies with them, and milk around their needs. This lessens the burden on me to milk large volumes, as they have fairly high milk production with plenty to share.
My few goats and their free-ranging chicken buddies also help keep the parts of my land i am unable to tend cleared and fertilized.
I am not able to mow or use a weedeater, they do those chores for me.
The chickens also help keep the bugs down.