Hello, I'm new to permaculture and gardening in general, but I've been reading Gaia's Garden so I know the basics. While clearing out some thorny shrubs on my land, I've discovered that the soil where they were growing isn't bad at all, as opposed to heavy clay almost everywhere else. So I picked two spots, a shady one for arugula and a sunny one for tomatoes. I've started removing grass and weeds and the plan is to cover with mulch until planting arugula next week. I have a couple of questions:
What would be good companions for mentioned plants? I'm completely unprepared and I haven't planned to plant anything, but now I've changed my mind. Something easy preferrably since I'm a complete beginner.
Should I remove the thorn roots? They are big and deep and it would disturb the soil more than a bit. In fact, by pulling out a couple of them I've discovered that the soil is good.
Would it be a good idea to dig a small swale above the planted spots? It's on a small slope, how do I know if the slope is too steep?
I started digging in a keyhole shape for the tomato patch along north-south axis. Maybe that's a mistake, should it be along east-west axis?
I may have many more questions tomorrow, and I can put up some pics. Thanks in advance to anyone who tries to help.