Jj Montoya

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since Feb 01, 2020
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50th trip around the sun almost completed and I'm doing the best I can with the little piece of earth that is mine.
Gardening in the high plains desert of Colorado in Pueblo West.
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Pueblo West, Colorado
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Recent posts by Jj Montoya

I'm not sure but it would seem if you put rubber on the bottom it would act as a boot and hold water in, defeating what you were trying to do and rotting the wood. Hope you get it figured out.
5 years ago
Came to look at the post and had no idea there'd already be responses.
Thank y'all for being so welcoming and helpful. I really do appreciate it.
I will make a list of what's posted and I'm off to do some running around and collect some books.
And I'll figure out the picture process so I can add those later.
Hope everyone has the best day possible!
5 years ago
Hello Permies! I have read these forums over the past and always dreamed of the things I would do if I ever got the chance. Well, life has happened to me quicker than expected and I will be moving into a new home at the beginning of the month.
My new property is in Pueblo West, Colorado. Zones 5B & 6A. Avg is 13" of rain & 25" of snow annually. This part of Colorado is a high plains desert and once I get this thing figured out I will be adding pictures of the layout.
My request today is for book or link recommendations that can teach me how to design the layout with the proper zones. And of course I would like to avoid as many beginner mistakes as possible.
I am a disabled veteran and will spend all of my free time over the next month gathering all of the info that I can so I can start this journey with a solid beginning. Going to the library later to look for permie books and will buy those I can't find there.
Thank you if you can offer any book titles, links, help or encouragement.
Best Wishes to everyone and their homes, wherever they may be.
5 years ago