Karen Smith

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since Jan 29, 2021
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Thanks Tereza. Your thinking makes sense to me. I too have had no issues with ginger or garlic in various ferments. I bet I just put in way too much cardamom.

It will be interesting to see how it mellows with much of the cardamom removed and a period of time in the fridge.
4 years ago
Do you use cardamom seed (as opposed to ground) in any of your ferments with success?

I recently made some cabbage/beet kraut with some cardamom seed with semi-poor results. I see now that cardamom has antibacterial properties and am wondering if that affected the fermentation. Has anyone else had a similar result?

The jury is still out on the kraut I just made. I jarred it and am letting it sit in the fridge for a while to see if it improves.The kraut had an acetone or ammonia kind of smell to it which I think was caused by the cardamom.  I let it “air” a bit in some low pans and then picked out most of the cardamom seed before putting it in jars. We’ll see.

That experience now has me wondering if it also alters fermentation in a 2nd ferment of kombucha. I had recently used some in a batch that just did not fizz much after second ferment. Now I am wondering.

4 years ago