Funny you should mention this; I just bought 2 smaller owl/kestrel birdhouses to put up in my neighbor's giant pines on the north side of my property. They are proportioned like regular Audubon-type wooden birdhouses except they are much bigger. I haven't put them up yet (my friend who is an arborist tree climber is going to put them up this week). At least 15 feet high up and facing north-ish is supposed to be ideal, and hopefully away from nighttime security lights so they get true darkness. I have very many raised beds made with logs and are Hugel-esque with lots of rough woody material in the beds. The logs and big branches came from clearing the site (mostly Norway Maple and struggling Norway Spruce).
Meaning: I provided perfect rodent housing, food, socializing areas. I have an assortment of voles, larger voles, mice, and as I live in a closely populated area where people have backyard chickens: rats. Ugh.
Snap traps work to a certain degree but I hate it that occasionally a small bird gets trapped in them (WHY?? not baited with anything; maybe they are attracted to the yellow plastic cheese?) I of course refuse to use poison. So I am putting these owl/kestrel houses up. I'll keep y'all posted if they become inhabited by the birds of prey that I am hoping and not by squirrels or starlings. I would just love a reduction in the local rodent population.