Hello All
I have been reading this website for a long time now and quite honestly it has kept me sane for the last few years.
I have just signed up to reply to a post from somebody else in France so I thought I should say a quick hello and a big big thank you for all the support (albeit unknowingly) and practical help I have had from so many of you over recent years.
We rarely use the internet at all, look at very few websites and no social media but I do love this website. It is so interesting and everybody seems to be so kind and helpful and honest, it is very encouraging both in our practical endeavours and that there are good people out there living in a similar way to us.
I have a smallholding/small farm in France with my children. We try to live as self sufficiently and peacefully as possible in our own mini paradise.
Our current projects include repairing the walls of our house and barns, making extra living accommodation in the attics, restarting our organic fibre business, building a community website, renovating our old R4 and our old van into a DIY campervan, figuring out how to turn the old milking parlour into a mini pool and greenhouse using our hoarded 'junk', putting together simple solar powered systems for our electrical needs with the aim of being offgrid completely eventually, making new growing areas to make direct use of all waste water and a simple solar water heating system for washing wool. Of course we are also finishing the shearing (I am very slow) and have started making hay, mostly by hand except the cutting, although we started learning to scythe, the children have picked it up very quickly, I am rubbish.
We love all of our odd animals, cheese making, bee keeping, woodworking, growing stuff, spinning, drawing and painting, reading and music.
We dream of never having to go shopping again!! and communities where we share and work together without judgement and criticism.