J Hawks

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since Dec 27, 2023
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I recently acquired around 3 acres of wooded land in Southeastern VA and I'm wondering where to start my permaculture journey. I've been following and reading about permaculture and self-reliance for the past two years and am excited to begin. I just need some direction.

For background, I work remotely and have access to wireless on the property through my phones hotspot. I've ordered a tent and Jackery to get started and I'm looking to start growing my own food. Hoping to get something in the ground by winter.

Also does anyone have issues with bears in this region?

7 months ago
Hello I'm J Hawks, I have interests in electrical and software engineering, artisanal teas, rock climbing, gardening and self-sufficiency.

I've known about permaculture and off grid living for a while now and as I live more and more in a consumerist, isolationist place  I can tell that my values do not align with those around me. I find the majority of my happiness stems from the simple. I like working with my hands, learning new things, and being happy with what you have.

I've made the trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains and the southwestern part of VA a few times and knew that one day I'd like to live there. Though I wouldn't be opposed to living in WVA, TN, KY, or NC as long as we're close to mountains.

As I was thinking through how I could achieve an off grid lifestyle I realized that social interactions would be few and far between. I like the idea of having a close knit community of people who look out for each other and share similar values to myself.

I lean left politically and am agnostic. I spend the majority of my time nowadays working on personal software projects and like to drink tea, read, and play boardgames in my downtime. I mostly read fantasy fiction and tech novels.

Thanks for reading